SOLO - Work on the revitalization of the main Solo-Karianganyar route at Jurug B Bridge will be completed on September 5. Later, the roadside in front of the Solo Safari tourist attraction located west of the Jurug Bridge will no longer be allowed to park.
Surakarta Mayor (Walkot) Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the parking lot for Solo Safari visitors had been provided by the management.
"What is clear is that it is not on the side of the road," said Gibran in Solo, Central Java, Wednesday, August 30, which was confiscated by Antara. Previously, the Construction Manager of PT Baja Titian Utama, Central Java Area, M Fathoni Jalaludin, said that the construction of the Jurug B bridge, which is the main access, connected Solo City with Karanganyar Regency and Sragen Regency, had completed 99 percent.
He said, the bridge infrastructure was finished. For completion, it remains only to leave the road markings, lighting lights, and parks. After the revitalization, the bridge width increased by about 2.5 meters, from 7 meters to 9.5 meters. In addition, the bridge is claimed to be able to last up to 100 years and earthquake resistant. "The strength starts from the design, material quality, the work refers to passing traffic. So it has been calculated for earthquake resistance and passing vehicles," he concluded.
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