Yogyakarta - Polisi menyarankan penutupan sementara wisata air Sungai Oyo di Kecamatan Imogiri, Bantul. Hal itu sebagai upaya pencegahan agar tidak terjadinya korban terbantu.

Bantul Police Chief (Kapolres) AKBP Michael R Risakotta said, twice the death toll in a row on the Oya River must be a joint evaluation.

"From the two incidents, we will follow up with collecting the Sector Police Chief (head of the Sector Police) and tourism managers, at least before there is a clear security procedure, while we suggest not to operate first to avoid further casualties," he said in Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Wednesday, August 30, confiscated by Antara.

This is also based on the results of police checks with the Bantul Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), which turned out to be under the Oyo River in the Selopamioro Park area, where the water vortex was smoking.

"Because there have been two incidents, we have ordered the ranks together with the BPBD to check the location, it turns out that there is indeed a kind of vortex water below. We need to be aware because the river is underwater if there is a vortex of water that tends to suck," he said.

"After checking there was a vortex of water which was indeed a suction, I'm afraid this victim was smoked, stuck below finally ran out of breath. That's why we need to be aware of this," he said.

He said, regarding the temporary closure of the Oyo River, it would be announced today. However, tourists are advised not to swim in these tourist destinations.

"The appeal to visitors must know themselves, if you can't swim, don't play in the water, this happens that all the victims can swim, coincidentally there is a problem, we are looking for the discovery of the water vortex, so this is not'safety' for visitors," he said.

Michael appealed to tourist attractions anywhere in Bantul, if the tourism activity is related to risk, then the manager must prepare or carry out a security SOP (standard operating procedure).

"Whether it's a 'flying fox', an 'outbound' must have a safety rope, including water sports, there must be a kind of guard, if on the beach it's called a 'life guard'," he said.

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