JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P DPP Said Abdullah said Ganjar Pranowo's presence at the International Sufi Congress was proof of his close relationship with the ulama.
"The presence of Ganjar Pranowo (at the International Sufi Congress) as well as the Governor of Central Java, which has been widely known to be close to scholars," Said said in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.
Meanwhile, Ganjar was invited directly by the supreme leader of the World Sufi Forum Habib Lutfi at the opening of the 2023 WSF event. Not only that, but President Joko Widodo also opened the World Sufi Forum (WSF) 2023 in Pekalongan, Central Java.
Said said Ganjar was also close to Islamic boarding schools, such as Deputy Governor of Central Java Gus Taj Yasin who is also a scholar and son of a great Indonesian cleric, KH Meimoen Zubair from Rembang.
"I saw that Ganjar Pranowo's concern for Habib Lutfi and the scholars while attending the WSF was very authentic," he said.
According to him, Ganjar is very understanding of anthropology and adaptation to living in Islamic boarding schools. Because, half of Ganjar's soul was formed by scholars.
Said explained that Ganjar's wife, Siti Atiqoh, is the grandson of charismatic NU cleric and caretaker of the Kalijaran Islamic Boarding School in Purbalingga, KH Hisyam Abdul Karim.
Likewise, Ganjar's father or father of Atiqoh, who is also an NU figure, has also served as Chairman of the PPP Purbalingga DPC. Therefore, Ganjar has received pesantren education since having a family with Atiqoh.
"During his tenure as Governor of Central Java, he was also very diligent in visiting the ulama of NU and Muhammadiyah," said Said.
Not only that, he continued, Ganjar also always consults the kiai, especially in Central Java every time he wants to make important decisions concerning people's livelihoods. This habit has been carried out since the beginning of ruling until the end of September 2023.
"It is not excessive and naturally, because of his good relationship with the ulama, Habib Lutfi considers him a santri. Therefore, Mas Ganjar practices santri, kissing the hands of kiai, as taught in the book Ta'lim al Muta'alim taught in many NU pesantren," he added.
Said also said that due to the Islamic boarding school and good relations with the ulama, the support of NU and Muhammadiyah residents for Ganjar Pranowo was the highest.
This can be seen in the Political Indicators survey in July 2023. There were about 43.5 percent of respondents who claimed to be NU residents who supported Ganjar Pranowo, 31.6 percent supported Prabowo Subianto and 20 percent support for Anies Baswedan.
Meanwhile, respondents who claimed to be Muhammadiyah residents gave support to Ganjar Pranowo 36.4 percent, Anies Baswedan 32.2 percent and Prabowo Subianto 28.5 percent.
"We hope that Mas Ganjar Pranowo will continue to build good relations with the ulama. Always remember the services of ulama and pesantren, since the difficult times to seize independence until now and in the future and we hope to always carry out Islamic boarding schools," concluded Said.
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