Polda Metro Jaya arrested Zulhadi Satria Saputra, the brother-in-law of a member of Paspampres Praka RM. He was involved in the persecution case that killed Imam Masykur with the role of driver when a series of criminal acts occurred.

"The person concerned acted as a vehicle driver when the criminal act occurred," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Hengki Haryadi when confirmed, Tuesday, August 29.

Polda Metro also arrested two other civilians. They Heri and AM, who were said to have acted as collectors of stolen Imam Masykur's belongings.

"Polda Metro Jaya also detained 2 criminals from this group on behalf of AM and Heri," said Hengki.

With this arrest, a total of three civilians were involved in the persecution case which resulted in the death of Imam Masykur. In fact, the three of them have been detained at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center.

"A total of 3 civilians have been detained by the Polda Metro Jaya in connection with this case," said Hengki.

In the case of the persecution that killed Imam Masykur, three members of Paspampres were named suspects. They are Praka RM, Praka HS and Praka J.

The three Paspamres members were said to have kidnapped Imam in South Tangerang on Saturday, August 12. Then, they tortured him to death.

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