JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono assessed that the purchase of a water mist generator as a water sprayer from a high building worth IDR 50 million as air pollution control will not be redundant. According to Heru, the operation of water mass with a purchase price of tens of millions is quite effective because it is used repeatedly every dry season. "This is not only for this year. Next year there will also be a dry season too," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, August 29. In this case, Heru requires each DKI Regional Work Unit (SKPD) and DKI BUMD to purchase water mists to reduce Jakarta's air pollution, and will ask the private sector to do the same. The head of the Presidential Secretariat admitted that he would meet several managers of high-rise buildings to invite them to install water mists in the midst of poor air pollution in the capital city. What is clear is that Heru wants his office to be the first to operate water mist so that it is imitated by other parties. "As soon as possible, this first General Bureau is in preparation. DKI City Hall must be prioritized from others," he said. The government has started to carry out micro weather modification technology in the form of spraying water using a water mist generator from above the building as an effort to control air pollution in Jakarta. The DKI Provincial Government, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), and Polda Metro Jaya operated a water mass from the Pertamina building on Sunday, August 27. "We sprayed the above of the Pertamina building and the bottom du was immediately measured with a PM 2.5 device. It turned out to reduce PM 2.5 levels around the building. The equipment is from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency Asep Kuswanto to reporters, Monday, August 28. Asep said that spraying water from above the building was effective enough to bind PM 2.5, thereby reducing the level of air pollution in the capital city.
On the other hand, Asep also asked the managers of private buildings to also install water mist generators so that water spraying from above the building can be more evenly distributed. "We are currently collecting data on tall buildings in Jakarta that we can suggest installing the water mist. If our data is around 1,300 buildings throughout Jakarta. We are currently mapping which buildings may be the most appropriate for us to try," said Asep.

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