TANGERANG The news of the kidnapping allegedly carried out by the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) against a man from Aceh, Imam Masykur (25) continues to attract public attention. The incident occurred at a cosmetic shop on Sandratex Street Rempoa, Ciputat, South Tangerang.

One resident who did not want to be named said the incident occurred on August 12, 2023, then. The witness explained that the perpetrator carried out the action so quickly, however, there were still residents who saw it.

The incident began when three large people came to the victim at 17.00 WIB. Without talking much, the three immediately dragged the victim and handcuffed him.

The actions of the three youths attracted the curiosity of the local residents. In fact, they, the three young men, had received blows from local residents for their actions. But residents stopped ganging up on him after they claimed to be Police.

Ramai anak-anak (warga), saya kira pelaku motor. Sempat dihit dia (korban). Dia (ketiga pemuda) mengaku polisi. Polisi, orang dia bilang polisi. 'Saya polisi' begitu, katanya Senin, 28 Agustus, seksirannya sore hari.

After that, the victim was immediately put into the car. He admitted that he was surprised that the three young men had killed Imam.

"His characteristics are high. It happened quickly, he was immediately handcuffed and taken to the car. The car was parked back there," he concluded.

Victim's Family Reports Police

The victim before he died had contacted his family and asked for Rp50 million. The victim's voice recordings when contacting his family and video footage showing the victim being tortured by the perpetrator went viral on social media.

The victim's family had reported the kidnapping and torture of Imam to the Polda Metro Jaya. The report was received by the police with the Number STTLP/B/4776/VIII/2023/SPKT.

The three soldiers suspected of being involved in the case are now being detained by the Military Police of the Jaya Military Command (Pomdam). One of the perpetrators with the initials Praka RM is a member of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres).

Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators are suspected to be Praka O, a member of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command, and one other soldier is a member of the Topographic Directorate of the Indonesian Army.

Komandan Pomdam (Danpomdam) Jaya Kolonel Cpm Irsyad Hamdie Bey Anwar mengatakan tiga prajurit yang ditahan itu saat ini berstatus tersangka.

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