The Bandarlampung District Attorney (Kejari) handed over two files of the Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) case involving four suspects to the Tanjungkarang District Court (PN).

"We have transferred the TIP related file on Tuesday, August 22, 2023," said Head of Pidum, Firdaus Affandi in Bandarlampung, Thursday, August 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

The spokesman for the Tanjungkarang District Court, Samsumar Hidayat, confirmed that he had received the TIP file transfer.

The case, he continued,

He explained that the case consisted of two TIP case files registered with case number 663/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Tjk, on behalf of the defendant Dwiki Wenilton.

"Other files with case number 672/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Tjk, on behalf of three defendants namely Irsyad Taufiqurahman, Linda Prihandayani, and Anggy Noviantari," he said.

He added that the inaugural trial will begin on Monday, August 28, 2023.

In this case, there are three panel of judges who will try, including Samsumar Hidayat as Chairman of the Panel of Judges and two members of the panel of judges, Firman Gaddafi Tjindarbumi and Aria Verronica.

"There are three panel of judges who will try. I myself am the Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges and two colleagues as members. Hopefully the trial will run smoothly," he said.

The TIP case is the delegation of the Lampung Regional Police case, which is the result of a disclosure that was carried out in June 2023.

At that time, four suspects were found to be perpetrators of TIP with the recruitment mode of several people from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) to become prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (CPMI) who would be sent to areas of several countries in the Middle East.

The CPMIs were then accommodated in a rented house located on Jalan Padat Karya, Gang H Anwar, Raja Basa Village, Raja Basa District, Bandarlampung City.

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