BANDA ACEH - Commission V of the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) proposed that any commemoration of the Aceh earthquake and tsunami disaster on December 15 and Aceh's peace on August 15 be designated as a regional holiday.

"Because the day of peace and tsunami disaster is an important and historic day for Aceh," said Chairman of Commission V DPRA M Rizal Falevi Kirani, in Banda Aceh as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 24.

Falevi said the rules regarding regional holidays had been included in the Aceh Qanun revision of Manpower, which is currently in the process of being repaired.

"The proposal to commemorate the tsunami and peace in Aceh as a holiday is also in accordance with the specialities and privileges possessed by Aceh," he said.

Regarding the proposal, Falevi admitted that he had consulted with the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) some time ago. The Ministry of Manpower is said to have no objection to the proposal.

According to the Ministry of Manpower, continued Falevi, special holidays are possible in accordance with the specificities of an area, as has been implemented in other provinces in Indonesia.

"For example in Bali, where on certain days all activities are closed to respect the culture and traditions of the local community," he said.

Therefore, in the revision of the Manpower Qanun, his party included the commemoration of the Aceh peace day and tsunami as a regional holiday.

Currently, the revision process has entered the stage of improvement and is planned to be ratified by the end of this year.

"We ask for support from all Acehnese people so that this Qanun can be ratified immediately, so that starting next year we can apply this regional holiday regulation," said Fahlevi.

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