JAKARTA - The Director General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Zudan Arif Fakrulloh asked the police to investigate the alleged violation of citizenship against the elected regent of Sabu Raijua Regency, Orient Patriot Riwu Kore.

This is because Orient is suspected of having committed election violations because he falsified population documents as a condition for nominating regional heads in the 2020 Pilkada.

Despite completing the requirements, namely having an Indonesian citizen (WNI) ID card, it turns out that Orient also has the status of a citizen of the United States.

"I am of the view that the person concerned needs to be examined by the police in order to study his citizenship and identity documents when registering as a candidate (regional head). Later it will be seen whether he has violated the citizenship law system or not," Zudan told reporters, Wednesday, 3 February.

Based on data held by the Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, since 1997 Orient has actually been included in the database of the Indonesian citizen population system.

With confirmation from the United States Embassy that Orient was also a US citizen, Zudan suspected that Orient did not report the transfer of his nationality.

"Maybe not reporting (population transfer). I'm coordinating with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to check whether the change in the status of Indonesian citizens who become foreigners has been reported to the Dukcapil or not," he said.

For information, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Sabu Raijua Regency found out that the elected regent of Sabu Raijua, Orient Patriot Riwu Kore, was actually a citizen of the United States (US).

Based on a report from the East Nusa Tenggara General Election Commission (KPU), Orient, when he registered as a candidate for Regent of Sabu Raijua last September, he submitted the requirements for population data, namely an electronic KTP as an Indonesian citizen.

Orient population data has also been verified to the Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) Kupang City. As a result, the Kupang Disdukcapil confirmed that Orient was a resident of Kupang City.

If proven to have forged documents, Orient could be charged with imprisonment. Based on Article 184 of Law Number 1 of 2015, it is stated that every person who deliberately provides false information or uses a fake letter as if it is a valid letter about something necessary for the requirements to become a candidate for regional head will be sentenced to imprisonment at least 36 months and a maximum of 72 months and a fine of at least Rp.36 million and a maximum of Rp.72 million.

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