SEMARANG In order to create a good environment and anticipate the adverse effects caused by climate change, the National Police is promoting tree planting again. In the Central Java region, Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi led the simultaneous tree planting activity located around Jatibarang Reservoir, Gunungpati District, Semarang, Wednesday, August 23.

Planting activities of trees with the theme Integrated Land of Reforestation Since Early', followed by the ranks of the Central Java Regional Police and the Central Java Forkompimda. Tree planting is carried out with various hard tree plants such as Trembesi, Mahoni and Beringin which are adapted to the characteristics of their respective regions.

The two-star general explained that tree planting for the ranks of the Central Java Regional Police was almost 40 thousand trees.

"Especially for today it is carried out in the Gunungpati area which is a reservoir, in order to maintain the availability of clean water in the Semarang area and its surroundings. In addition, to overcome flooding in the west canal during the rainy season," said Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement received by VOI in a short message, Wednesday, August 23.

The Kapolda added that several preemptive and preventive activities related to drought that hit a number of areas were of concern. The first is related to the fire incident and the second is related to clean water assistance.

"We have mapped it in each Polres and it has been controlled by the Central Java Police Karoops to prepare a plan for readiness to deal with drought to help areas experiencing drought through clean water supply," added Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi.

Meanwhile, Central Java Provincial Secretary Sumarno explained, based on information obtained from the BMKG, dry conditions and drought will last until September. From this data, his party has taken several steps to anticipate.

"For food availability, his party has coordinated with Bulog, while clean water assistance has been prepared from the Public Works and BPBD Office to supply affected areas," he said.

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