BANDA ACEH - Class I Sultan Iskandar Muda, Class I Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Aceh Besar predicts that the weather in the Aceh region will still experience moderate to heavy rain at the beginning of this month. Residents are asked to always be alert to hydrometeorological disasters.

"The potential for this rainfall has an impact on flooding in riverbank areas or lowland areas, downstream areas and landslides for highland areas," said Head of Data and Information for BMKG Class I Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh Besar Zakaria Ahmad in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Tuesday. , February 2.

Zakaria explained that there are wind bends or shearlines around the Aceh region, as well as cyclonic currents in the West Indian Ocean, Aceh which can increase the potential for rain cloud formation.

This condition can result in extreme weather phenomena, such as heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds, both day and night.

Areas with the potential for extreme weather include highland areas, such as Bener Meriah Regency, Central Aceh, Gayo Lues and Aceh Tenggara. Then the east coast of Aceh, such as Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Bireuen and East Aceh.

Furthermore, almost all areas on the south west coast of Aceh, such as Aceh Jaya District, West Aceh, Nagan Raya, Southwest Aceh, South Aceh and Subulussalam City.

"Early warning of weather that has the potential to occur with high intensity rain is in the fourth category. In this category, the aircraft can be delayed or temporarily canceled, ”he said.

Zakaria also reminded residents to always be aware of hydrometeorological disasters, especially the potential that could have an impact on flooding in river basins, rice fields, inundation in cities, downstream areas and even flash floods.

"It is also necessary to be aware of the potential for high sea waves that can reach 4 meters in the waters of North Sabang, South West Waters, West Indian Ocean Aceh, and its surroundings," he said.

Meanwhile, the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) recorded 79 disasters during January 2021 in Aceh, which were dominated by floods triggered by high intensity rainfall.

"Of all the disasters, which totaled 79 times, floods dominated 29 times," said BPBA Chief Executive Ilyas.

Most of the floods occurred in East Aceh six times, which inundated 504 housing units of residents spread across 69 villages in 22 sub-districts. The affected residents were 7,348 people in 1,978 households with a loss of Rp. 2.9 billion.

"Floods have also occurred in Aceh Tamiang, 5 times spread across 64 villages in 19 sub-districts which inundated 63 houses and affected 28,100 people in 7,763 households," said Ilyas.

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