The joint Mataram SAR team conducted a search for an angler named Aminullah (29) who allegedly slipped from a cliff and drowned on Teunting Unting Beach, Mekar Sari Village, Praya Barat District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. "The victim Aminullah from Embung Hamlet Tangar, Banyu Urip Village disappeared while going fishing with four of his colleagues on Saturday (19 August)," said Head of the Mataram SAR Office Lalu Wahyu Efendi, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 20. His party received the report from the police, so personnel from the Mataram SAR Office and the Mandalika SAR Alert Unit were deployed to search with elements from the TNI, Polri, BPBD, Damkar, Tagana, the potential SAR for the Central Lombok region, and local residents on this Sunday.
"The search was carried out in the waters and sweeping around the beach around the scene," he said. The equipment used included Rigit Inflatable Boat (RIB), aqua eye, communications, life jackets, and other supporting equipment. However, until 17.00 WITA, the victim has not been found and the joint SAR team has stopped the search, because it is evening. "We will resume the search tomorrow (Monday, 21/8) morning," Wahyu Efendi said.
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