KUPANG - The implementation of the online single submission (OSS) system in business licensing services is very helpful for the Provincial Government of Nusa Tenggara Timu in accelerating the processing of business licenses. "Investasi merupakan salah satu sektor penting dalam mewujudkan misi pertama RPJMD 2018-2023. Kami telah berupaya mempermudahkan dan mempercepat pelayanan izin investasi dengan penerapan sistem OSS untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengurus izin usaha," kata Gubernur NTT Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat di Kupang, Antara, Jumat, 18 Agustus. According to the Governor, the implementation of the OSS system has succeeded in accelerating the provision of investment licensing services in NTT. He said the realization of the permit granted by the NTT government in 2019 reached 5,571 business licenses and increased in 2022 to reach 6,626 business licenses. Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat said the more easy investment permits were to encourage many investors to come to invest in NTT, as can be seen from the application for a business license that had reached 3,905 in July 2023. Governor Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat explained that investment realization, both foreign investment (PMA) and domestic investment (PMDM) in 2019 reached IDR 7.3 trillion or 103 percent of the national target of IDR 7 trillion. However, according to him, in the last three years the target has decreased slightly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, namely in 2020 the realization will only reach 96 percent and in 2021 it will decrease to 78 percent and in 2022 it will decrease again to 65 percent.
"We are very optimistic that in 2023 the investment target in NTT will increase again because until July 2023 alone, the national investment target set at IDR 5.31 trillion has reached 62 percent," said Governor Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat.

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