JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited the Supreme Court office, Tuesday, February 2. In his visit, the Chief of Police discussed various matters. One of them is the electronic ticketing pattern.

"We have discussed many things, among others, are related to several programs that we will carry out in the future, such as law enforcement related to electronic ticketing", Listyo told reporters, Tuesday, February 2.

The discussion of this matter refers more to the pattern of application. This is because so far, online prosecution is not supported by trial processes that use a face-to-face pattern.

So, with this change, there must be an adjustment that will not confuse the public.

"Of course, this changes the pattern that is usually carried out by using a trial and then now changes to be directly decided in the electronic system. So of course adjustments need to be made", he explained.

"Then the integrated service is related to public service issues in the information sector, related to legal process issues", continued Listyo.

Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is mandatory to avoid interference. Thus, various attempts were made to take advantage of the online system.

"Of course, you can get information services related to processes in the police, then at the Court and also the Attorney General's Office. Then also related to other activities, with a system that must be prepared because it is related to the COVID-19 situation so that law enforcement processes", said Listyo.

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