JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Health (Wamenkes) Dante Saksono Harbuwono is optimistic that Indonesia will be able to create quality medical devices and meet the needs of the community.

"To accelerate the production of domestic medical devices, drugs, and vaccines, the government needs the active role of all parties, including industry and universities," he said at the re-launch of the baby's breathing apparatus Mixsafe Transport Infant Blending Resuscitator reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 14.

The Deputy Minister of Health said that accelerating the production of quality medical devices requires the role of three related parties, namely the government, industry, and universities.

He said the government has a political and legal capital to draw up regulations that can support production acceleration and guarantees for product purchases.

Second, he said, the private industry has a venture capital to provide investment and production capacity of medical devices. Meanwhile, universities, he said, have a science capital, namely researchers and innovators who can initiate the creation of medical device products.

"With the active roles of the three parties, I believe we can produce quality medical device products and meet the needs of the community," said the Deputy Minister of Health.

He appreciated the efforts of a number of local industries to make medical devices, because they also carried out the third pillar of health transformation, namely health resilience.

"The third title is in line with Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2016, to accelerate the development of the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, as well as Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2022 to accelerate the use of domestic products," he said.

With the transformation and Instruction of the President, he said, the number of raw materials for drugs and domestically produced medical devices has increased, which is marked by a decrease in the percentage of import transactions of medical devices, from 88 percent to 70 percent in 2021 to 2022.

Therefore, the Deputy Minister of Health hopes that the industrial sector can cooperate with universities to increase the production of domestic medical devices.

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