Welcoming the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, hundreds of swimmers from a number of communities unfurled the 78-meter-long Red and White Flag in the waters of Makassar City, South Sulawesi.
The swimmers from Makassar WatersportsCommunity and swimming clubs as well as personnel from the Search and Rescue Office and the Water Police participated in the crossing of the Red and White Flag from Dermaga Kayu Bangkoa, followed by raising the flag to Gusung Island.
"If you go straight, it's only about 1.8 kilometers, if you wind it, it's approximately two kilometers," said Pulda (Purnawirawan) Sudirman as the initiator of the activity as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 12.
According to him, this activity involved 140 people with an age range from six to 74 years.
"This activity is a form of our love for the country, as well as uniting, in the sense of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. So, our community consists of various ethnicities, ethnicities, and religions," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Makassar Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas), Mexianus Bekabel, was proud that his members were involved in the activity of revamping the Red and White Flag to welcome the commemoration of Independence Day.
"We are proud to have taken part in this activity," he said, adding that Basarnas members were part of the security team in the activity.
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