JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (LH) and the Transportation Service (Dishub) formed a task force (task force) with the National Police Korlantas to conduct raids and impose sanctions on vehicle owners who have not yet tested emissions.
"We will discuss a mechanism for forming a task force with the Korlantas Polri, Polda Metro Jaya, and Dishub to accelerate the control of moving emission sources," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency Asep Kuswanto, Friday, August 11.
According to Asep, there needs to be concrete steps so that Jakarta residents who own motorized vehicles carry out massive emission tests.
The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Asep said, has been intensifying emission tests in Jakarta since 2020.
"Pergub Number 66 of 2020 mandates us to carry out a comprehensive emission test. This is a public mandate to continue to maintain air quality in Jakarta," said Asep.
Asep hopes that the emission test system owned by the DKI LH Office can be directly connected to the Polri's electronic ticketing system
"We will marry our emission test data with the National Police's ETLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement). So that later it will be caught if he gets a ticket, he has not tested the emission, so the sanctions are double," said Asep.
Meanwhile, Head of the Standards for Enforcement of Korlantas Polri Violations, Kompol Eko Rubiyanto, said that Korlantas is ready to work together to assist the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in controlling air pollution with a persuasive approach to Jakarta residents.
"We have the option to order every traffic unit in all Polsek in the Polda Metro area to cooperate with the Department of Environment and Transportation to control vehicles that have not yet carried out emission tests," said Eko.
The concept of controlling this will be more or less the same as operating on vehicles that have not paid taxes.
"The concept is more or less the same as the operation in collaboration with Bapenda/Samsat that we are currently doing," added Eko
The police will also reprimand vehicle owners who have not carried out emission tests and direct them to conduct emission tests at the places provided by the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency and the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency.
Di sisi lain, Direktur Eksekutif Komite Penghapusan Gasoline Bertimbal (KPBB) Ahmad Safrudin menyebut, razia kendaraan bermotor yang belum melakukan uji emission sudah berada di level darurat, karena beban emisi di Jakarta sudah terlebih berat.
"Actually, this vehicle emission raid is a mandate that is neglected by law. So, the raid must be focused first on motorized vehicles," said Ahmad, quoted by ANTARA.
The regulations related to motor vehicle raids as the largest contributor to emissions have been mandated in laws, such as Article 209 to Article 213 of Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation to Government Regulation No. 55 of 2012 concerning Vehicles.
Finally, he gave advice to the DKI Provincial Government to immediately raid motorized vehicles that increase the emission load in Jakarta to make people more diligent in repairing their vehicles.
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