JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) Prof. Unifah Rosyidi asked the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) not to make statements that disturbed teachers.

"Teachers are often burdened by hearing uncomfortable statements from the Ministry of Education and Culture", said Unifah at FGD Peta Jalan Pendidikan that was held online in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 2.

For example, he said, a teacher's professional allowance is only paid to teachers who excel. "Even though it was denied, there were many statements that bothered the teachers", he said.

According to Unifah, the Ministry of Education and Culture should focus on how to make learning work effectively in difficult situations like today. Therefore, do not make statements that make a scene and disturb the teachers.

The Indonesian Teachers Association in the near future will design an activity book that helps teachers and students in learning. Even though in a very limited situation, Unifah said that the Indonesian Teachers Association continues to serve how to improve teacher competence.

"Don't say that teachers are important if are giving statements that make us feel disturbed. Don't make us panic. This includes Cooperative Education Unit (SPK) teachers whose certification allowances have been revoked”, said Unifah.

He said that indeed the Cooperative Education Unit teachers taught in cooperative schools, but the teachers also had families. After all, the teachers work to educate the children of the nation.

"Likewise, the recruitment of teachers from Candidates for civil servants (CPNS), which without the approval of the House Of Representatives (DPR) is said to be eliminated. The impact is everywhere because our young people will no longer be interested in becoming teachers", he said.

On that occasion, Unifah requested that the Ministry of Education and Culture involve Islamic boarding schools in the preparation of the 2020-2035 Indonesian Education Roadmap, and also provide guidance to the Education Personnel Educator Institution (LPTK).

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