JAKARTA Coming from Batam, Riau a number of people claiming to be victims of the mutual fund of PT Minna Padi Asset Management (MPAM) visited the Financial Services Authority (OJK) office at the Soemitro Djojohadikusmo Building, Banteng Field, Central Jakarta. They asked for an explanation from the OJK regarding the settlement of the Minna Padi mutual fund case worth Rp. 30 billion.

They question the role and responsibility of the OJK as always the regulator because the OJK is obliged to provide legal protection for the victims as well as provide solutions to the losses suffered by the victims Minna Padi.

"Today we came for an audience with the OJK to ask for an explanation from the OJK why to this day the Minna Padi case has been slow and there is almost no clarity," said the victim's attorney, Partyuli Saragih, Friday, August 11.

Previously in July, the victims came busy to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta to question their report, and it was received by investigators who handled the Minna Padi case. At that time, it was discovered that the Minna Padi case was still under investigation, and the OJK had not provided any information in front of investigators regarding the case.

La Ode Surya Alirman, the victim's attorney from LQ Indonesia Law Firm, said that the OJK seemed inconsistent and slow to act in this case.

"OJK is a government institution, but how come it's not firm, imagine that it's been almost four years since this case has no legal certainty. In the hearing, it turned out that the OJK was confused about interpreting several regulations even though they themselves made the regulation. This is strange," said La Ode.

The victims hope that Minna Padi is responsible for replacing all the losses suffered by the victims because the money that has been invested is money from the hard work of the victims, which amounts to billions of rupiah.

Jeono, one of the victims from Batam, said that previously the OJK had frozen or dissolved several types of MPAM mutual funds because there were indications of violations.

"According to OJK regulations, if Minna Padi is guilty, she must return the losses of the customers. Based on this regulation, we respectfully request that OJK carry out the regulation seriously and request that Minna Padi compensate all the losses of the customers." said Jeono.Minna Padi Asset Management mutual fund cases allegedly indicated to violate Articles 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code as well as Article 9 Juncto Article 62 of Law (UU) Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection with a penalty of five years in prison and/or Article 3.4.5 of Law No. 8 concerning TPPU.

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