JAKARTA - Head of the Data and Information Center (Kapusdatin) of the City Park and Forest Service, Ivan Murcahyo, said that currently there are three public cemeteries (TPU) available to become special burials for COVID-19.

"Now the one operating for the transfer of bodies with protocols is in three locations. Those used are the non-Muslim units at the Tegal Alur Cemetery, then the Muslim units in Bambu Apus and Srengseng Sawah 2," Ivan said when contacted, Monday, January 1.

Based on the latest data, Ivan said that the grave plots that are still available at Tegal Alur Cemetery, specifically for non-Muslim corpses, are still around 170 grave plots.

Meanwhile, the Bambu Apus (Bambu Wulung) TPU, which was only opened since January 21, has been used by around 400 graves. So, there are still 300 usable plots out of a total of 800 tombs.

Then, Srengseng Sawah 2 TPU, which just opened on Sunday, January 31, has used 20 of the 1,020 grave plots that were prepared.

"The location, which is Srengseng Sawah 2, can be used for delivery in the South Jakarta area, parts of East Jakarta and Central Jakarta," said Ivan.

"In North Jakarta and East Jakarta we send them to Bambu Wulung (Bambu Apus). So, these two points can accommodate enough so that the transfer of bodies from each city area is not too far away," he continued.

Apart from the three TPUs mentioned, DKI has opened a special burial place for the COVID-19 body at Srengseng Sawah Cemetery and Pondok Ranggon TPU. However, now both TPUs are full. In fact, a number of tombs were made overlapping.

DKI is also preparing a number of other TPU, but they cannot yet be opened for burial. We have prepared the TPU in 5 locations, in Srengseng Sawah 2, Kramat 3 TPU, Dukuh TPU, Tegal Alur 2 TPU on Jalan Sahabat, and Rorotan TPU.

"The rest of the preparations are still going on, like Rorotan and Tegal Alur Jalan Sahabat, they are still being prepared. Maybe we can use mid-February," said Ivan.

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