The Pontianak City Health Office (Dinkes) said cases of Upper Respiratory Channel Infection (ARI) in vulnerable toddler groups in Pontianak City had decreased.

"ISPA in toddlers as of August 1, 2023, there were 272 cases, and grateful for the decline on August 4, 2023 to 149 cases," said Head of the Pontianak Health Office Saptico in Pontianak, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), Wednesday, August 9.

He estimated that the decline in cases occurred because it had been raining for several days in Pontianak City.

"Probably because it has rained for several days, causing the smog to decrease so that the case of ARI in toddlers decreases," he said.

He invited the community to prevent forest and land fires (karhutla) in Pontianak City and surrounding districts so as not to have an impact on the increase in ARI cases.

Then he appealed to the public to improve health and protect the environment.

"Increase body resistance with nutritious food, drink enough water and rest. Then do not burn the land. Then when smoke appears, use a mask when doing activities, even if necessary, reduce activities outside the home," he said.

Regarding forest and land fires in West Kalimantan, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Kalimantan Province noted that the area of burned land from January-July 2023 spread over 14 districts/cities reached 5,768.73 hectares.

Of the total burned land, three districts with the highest burned land areas, namely in Kubu Raya Regency 1,481.24 hectares, Ketapang 1,453.90 hectares, and Sambas 1,155.67 hectares.

As for the three lowest regencies or cities, namely in Sekadau Regency 5.95 hectares, Pontianak City 14, 79 hectares and Kapuas Hulu Regency 47.38 hectares.

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