The sentence of four convicts in the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J was cut by the Supreme Court (MA). The lighter sentence was imposed on Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawati, Ricky Rizal and Strong Ma'ruf.
The four of them filed an appeal after their appeal was rejected by the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT). The Supreme Court's decision against the four defendants is as follows:
1. Ferdy Sambo The main actor in the murder of Brigadier J, Ferdy Sambo, has been sentenced to death. The Supreme Court changed the decision of the panel of judges of PT DKI Jakarta which upheld the decision of the South Jakarta District Court (PN) from the death penalty to life imprisonment.
The cassation decision against Sambo is case number 813 K/Pid/2023 and has permanent legal force even though the two judges had different opinions or dissenting opinions.
"The cassation verdict, the rejection of the Public Prosecutor's cassation and the Defendant by improving the qualifications for criminal acts and crimes imposed, becomes a premeditated murder and without the right to take action which results in the electronic system not working properly together. Life imprisonment," reads the cassation decision for Ferdy Sambo.
2 Putri Chandrawathi Meanwhile, the sentence of Sambo's wife who is also a defendant in the murder of Brigadier J became 10 years from 20 years. The Supreme Court's cassation decision sentenced the South Jakarta District Court after it was upheld by the appeal decision of PT DKI which still sentenced Putri to 20 years in prison.
"The verdict of the cassation, the rejection of the Public Prosecutor's cassation and the Defendant with a criminal repair will be sentenced to 10 years in prison," said Supreme Court Judge Suhadi and four members, Suharto, Jupriyadi, Desnayeti, and Yohanes Priyana today, Tuesday, August 8.
3. Strong Ma'ruf Hal, the driver of the former Head of the Professional and Security Division (Kadiv Propam) of the National Police, Ferdy Sambo, Strong Ma'ruf. The Supreme Court's cassation decision cut the sentence of Defendant Strong Ma'ruf from 15 years in prison to 10 years in prison.
Previously, Strongly Advocated the cassation through the South Jakarta District Court after his appeal was rejected by PT DKI Jakarta.
"The cassation decision rejects the public prosecutor's cassation and the defendant with a criminal repair is sentenced to 10 years in prison," said the Supreme Court's cassation against the defendant Strong Ma'ruf.
4. Ricky RizalMA also reduced the sentence of Sambo's other subordinates, Ricky Rizal.
The South Jakarta District Court previously sentenced the convict to 13 years in prison for the murder of Brigadier J. Ricky then carried out further legal action by filing an appeal against PT DKI.
However, PT DKI upheld the decision of the South Jakarta District Court by still punishing Ricky with a sentence of 13 years in prison.
Furthermore, Ricky filed an appeal against the appeal decision of PT DKI which was finally knocked out today by reducing the sentence of the former aide to the Head of the Propam Police Division from 13 years in prison to 8 years in prison.
"The verdict, reject the appeal of the Public Prosecutor and the Defendant, with an improvement of the sentence to 8 years in prison," said the Supreme Court's cassation decision.
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