Investigate Allegations Of Doctors At Cikupa Clinic For Sexual Harassment, Police Examine 9 Witnesses
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TANGERANG - Police are still investigating doctors who are suspected of sexually harassing their patients at the Cikupa area Clinic, Tangerang Regency, last Friday, August 4. Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, Kompol Arief Nazaruddin Yusuf said he had examined 9 witnesses related to the alleged sexual harassment case. The goal is to find out the truth in that case. "For our development, we continue to simultaneously ask for witness statements. Both witnesses from the crime scene, reporting witnesses. (Total) 9 witnesses have been examined,” Arief said in a short message, Tuesday, August 8. Investigators have also coordinated with several relevant agencies. However, when asked about the agency in question, Arief refused to mention it. “ We have coordinated with several agencies related to obtaining clues and facts. Anyway, the context is still an investigation gathering all the clues, ” he said. Previously, it was reported that a woman was suspected of being a victim of sexual harassment by a doctor while seeking treatment at a clinic in the Cikupa area, Tangerang Regency. Arief explained that the incident started when the victim who came with her husband to the clinic in the Cikupa area, Tangerang Regency on Friday, August 4, during the day. During the examination process, the victim actually received sexual harassment from the clinic doctor. “The victim, who complained of pain in the stomach and reproductive parts, then received medical treatment. It was at that time that the victim was allegedly sexually abused by the doctor who treated her,” he said. For this incident, the victim and her husband reported the doctor to the police. The goal is for further action.
"After that, the victim and her husband reported the incident to the Tangerang Police Satreskrim," he concluded.

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