The SAR team from the Namlea SAR Post, Buru Regency, Maluku was again deployed to search for Rajab Buton (38), a fisherman who reportedly lost contact while fishing alone around the waters of Buru Island.

"The victim was reported missing contact while going to sea alone since last Monday," said Head of the Ambon Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, Maluku Muhammad Arif Anwar, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 8.

According to him, Rajab Buton, who is a resident of Wapulau Village in Buru Regency, was initially reported missing contact by Ariani Galela, who is the victim's family.

"The Namlea SAR Post received information that the victim had been going to sea since Monday, (7/8) at dawn at around WIT and until the afternoon had not returned home," said Muhammad Arif.

Then at 07.20 WIT, using a speedboat belonging to the Buru District Health Office, a joint SAR team was deployed to the scene to carry out SAR Operations with a distance of approximately 26 NM and heading 350° North from the Namlea SAR Post.

The search effort was carried out by combing around the location which is thought to be where the victim is looking for fish.

"Currently, the status of the victim is still being searched by the SAR team and it is hoped that in today's first day of SAR operation we can find signs of the victim's whereabouts," he said.

He also mentioned that the SAR operation carried out by the rescue team from the Namlea SAR Post for a KM passenger. The Labobar that jumped into the sea of Buru waters had been closed after a seven-day search found no sign of the victim's whereabouts.

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