TERNATE - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Halmahera Regency (Hateng), North Maluku (Malut) reported that floods and landslides hit Weda Timur District. As a result, roads connecting Weda-Patani were cut off.

Head of BPBD Halteng Regency, Rais Musa, said that floods hit two villages, namely Messa and Kotalo, causing hundreds of houses to be submerged in water and the road between Weda and Patani District was cut off.

"Longsor di antara jalan yellow messa, titik longsor berada di delapan titik sehingga akses jalan dari Yeke menuju Messa terputus dan tidak bisa lewat kendaraan roda dua dan empat," ujar Rais dilansir ANTARA, Senin, 7 Agustus.

Not only landslides and floods, the lights went out completely because 9 power poles collapsed. There were about hundreds of houses flooded.

In addition, landslides also prevent the Yeke Messa road from being passed by people who want to go to Weda and vice versa.

Previously, the Halteng Regency Government collaborated with PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) to normalize the Kobe River in anticipation of flooding.

Acting Regent of Halteng, Ikram Malan Sangaji stated, his party cooperated with PT IWIP to jointly normalize the Kobe river, because within this year, heavy rains have affected the surrounding community due to flooding.

"I appreciate IWIP's support to help normalize the Kobe river and support can help people avoid flooding during heavy rains due to the overflow of the Kobe river," he said.

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