SUKOHARJO - Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Team at the National Police Headquarters searched the houses of two different locations in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java.

The first Densus 88 team searched the house in Turi RT 002/RW 007, Cemani, Grogol, Sukoharjo, then the second carried out at the rented house, Keden, Gentan Village, Baki District, Sukoharjo.

According to Tri Ngadiyo as the head of the local RT, Gentan Sukoharjo Village, has received information from local Babinsa members that AG, who was arrested by the police, is suspected of being involved in a terrorist network.

AG has been conditioned by Densus 88 Anti-terror. This, he said, was only in order to find evidence. AG contracted for about 2 years, the person was less sociable, closed. In fact, the head of the RT did not know about AG's work.

Meanwhile, Joko Mulyono, the owner of the rented house in Gentan Village, said that AG was arrested at around 14.00 WIB.

Joko explained that the arrests went smoothly and cooperatively. AG was then brought by members of the Densus.

Joko admitted that he did not know for sure AG's work, so far he only knew about odd jobs. AG is often visited by his friends in the rented house. However, I don't know what to do with it.

AG in his daily life during a contract without problems, it's just that he is quite closed and has never been involved in socialization with local villagers. AG is known to live with his wife and five children.

However, he said, AG's child is quite open and sometimes participates in activities in his village.

Police in the search of rented houses secured a number of evidences in the form of laptops, cellphones, and charity boxes. However, he did not know for sure which net AG was involved in.

The search was quite fast while local residents were seen crowding the search location.

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