JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. (BSI) Hery Gunardi said that his company will focus on working on the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector as the backbone of the company's business activities.

"We are committed to serving all levels of society while still upholding the sharia system", he said at the inauguration ceremony of Bank Syariah Indonesia at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday 1 February.

In his presentation, Hery said that the BSI has assets of IDR 240 trillion, total financing of IDR 157 trillion, third party funds (DPK) of IDR 210 trillion, and core capital of IDR 22.6 trillion.

"Bank Syariah Indonesia is a representation of the development of sharia economy in Indonesia and is expected to be able to develop both at home and abroad", he said.

Bank Syariah Indonesia is a financial institution from the merger of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Tb (BRIS), PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), and PT Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah (BNI Syariah).

Meanwhile, in terms of share ownership, Bank Mandiri controlled 51.2 percent. Followed by BNI at 25 percent, and BRI with 17.4 percent. Meanwhile, public investors control 4.4 percent, and DPLK BRI-Sharia shares as much as 2 percent.

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