MEDAN - The man with the initials N (21) could burn his wife with the initials R (20). R almost died at his house in Sambirejo Village, Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

Chief of Criminal Investigation of the Sei Tuan Percut Police, Iptu J Panjaitan said the cruelty of the husband burned his own wife out of jealousy.

"(Wife) is jealous of him, her man (husband) has brought a girl. But (the husband) also suspects that his wife is male (has an affair). An argument broke out, (the husband) poured oil and set it on fire, ”Iptu Panjaitan told reporters, Monday, February 1.

The police have arrested N who burned his wife. While his wife is still undergoing treatment at Mitra Medika Tembung Hospital.

"Already (arrested). His wife is still being treated at Medika Hospital. The burns were 65 percent," said Panjaitan.

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