JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body of the DPR Willy Aditya said that the Draft Law on Family Resilience could be rejected when the wave of protests against this bill continues.

Baleg will use the political space given to all members of the council for discussion of the bill.

"Now that's a suggestion from the members. Whether it continues or not depends on the political battle in the DPR. If many refuse, then he will not be discussed (at Baleg)," said Willy, when contacted, in Jakarta, Thursday, February 20.

"It depends on whose political process is more dominant. If it is more dominant, he will win. If not, then he will be killed by himself," he explained.

This bill is considered to have appeared suddenly. Head of the Golkar Baleg Faction Group (Kapoksi), Nurul Arifin, said the faction was missed because there were members who brought up the bill. She is Endang Maria Astuti, a member of Commission VIII from the Golkar faction.

"The person concerned should have consulted and made a presentation to the faction before becoming the bearer of a bill. I at Baleg have objected since the bill was presented," he said.

DPR Building (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

Nurul explained, the reason for this rejection was because the state was not supposed to take care of domestic matters, such as how to raise children. This is because, for every family, children are individual entities that cannot be intervened by the state.

"The reason is about the state's responsibility for welfare and others. The state already has many programs, such as PIP, PKH, BPJS, and others. I see this bill aims to educate families homogeneously. The elements of heterogeneity are denied," he said.

He continued, for the discussion of the bill which is related to domestic violence, whether sexual, physical or economic, this has been regulated in other laws, such as the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (KDRT) and the Criminal Code.

"We are withdrawing support for this Family Resilience Bill," he said.

One of the proponents of this bill, a member of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Netty Prasetiyani, explained that the emergence of this bill was due to the awareness that the family is coal in the carriage of civilization. He denied that when the bill was said to be aimed at intervening in household life.

According to Netty, not all families in Indonesia are in the welfare category. Therefore, with this bill, he wants Indonesian families to fall into the ideal category.

"So the state must provide access so that these families in various strata, in various dimensions, can have resilience," he said, Tuesday, February 18.

With this bill, families will have immunity and resilience. He stressed that the presence of this bill was not intended to intervene in the life of a family, including determining who someone would marry.

Another reason for the formation of this bill, he continued, was so that Indonesian families have the values of honesty and independence. That way, the family will have readiness to live the ark of their life.

"We want the family in any situation to be able to get out of the crisis and then that is done. The values of radicalism, which are dangerous, can be anticipated, can be prevented starting from the family. That's what we hope," he said.

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