JAKARTA - The Russian Anti-Riot Police have again dispersed a protest in support of the release of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, Sunday local time.

Wearing riot uniforms, complete with helmets, shields and batons, the police broke up the demonstration. Implemented security lockdowns in the center of Moscow, closed pedestrian access near the Kremlin and closed metro stations.

At St. Petersburg and Moscow, police used force to detain protesters. At least 5,021 people were detained nationwide, including 1,608 in Moscow, according to OVD-Info, a protest monitoring group.

Protesters also marched towards the prison in North Moscow where Navalny was being held, while chanting for Navalny's release. The masses also raised their hands above their heads, saying, 'we are not your enemies', in front of the police on guard.

Police said protesters could face criminal charges for attending or calling for illegal demonstrations. And warn they can spread COVID-19.

Yulia Navalnaya, Alexei's wife, was among those detained. He was later released.

"If we keep quiet, then they can come for us tomorrow," he wrote on Instagram before joining the protest.

This demonstration also served as a test for Navalny's supporters, after some of them were subjected to repressive actions by government officials. Including his brother named Oleh who was subject to house arrest.

Navalny, 44, was arrested on January 17 after returning to Moscow from Germany where he had recovered from neurotoxicity in Russia last summer. He accused President Vladimir Putin of ordering his assassination which the Kremlin denies.

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