JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) has submitted the results of analysis and examination of 92 accounts belonging to the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) or related parties to the Police.

"Based on the results of coordination with Police investigators, it is known that there are several accounts that will be followed up by Polri investigators with the blocking process due to suspected illegal acts," said PPATK Head Dian Ediana Rae in an electronic message received by journalists on Sunday, January 31.

Dian Ediana did not specify how many accounts were suspected of violating the law. Transaction termination is carried out in order to provide sufficient time for PPATK to conduct analysis after FPI is determined as a prohibited organization.

"Furthermore, PPATK will continue to provide support and coordinate with investigators regarding the alleged illegal acts," he said.

Dian emphasized that PPATK can still perform financial intelligence functions based on Law No. 8/2010 and UU No. 9/2013. If a Suspicious Financial Transaction Report is found.

Previously, PPATK noted that it had frozen 92 accounts belonging to FPI. Freezing is carried out to analyze suspected suspicious transactions.

"We have temporarily suspended 92 accounts of FPI organizations and affiliated parties for the purposes of PPATK analysis and examination," said PPATK Chair Dian Ediana Rae in her statement, Tuesday, January 19.

But Diana was reluctant to elaborate on the owner of the frozen account. He only said that at this time PPATK had almost finished managing dozens of accounts.

"A mixture of ex-FPI accounts and those affiliated with former FPI organizations," he said.

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