JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowi, instructed all his staff not to process reporting of cases by certain parties when using Muhammadiyah's name.

"Anyone who acts on behalf of Muhammadiyah without being granted an official power of attorney from PP Muhamadiyah should not be continued," said Listyo at the PP Muhammadiyah office, Jakarta, Friday, January 29.

Listyo said that if a report is found carrying the name Muhamamdiyah, the Police will confirm the background of the reporter. Thus, preventing the profiteering.

"Later we will pay attention to every reporting process that carries or is on behalf of Muhammadiyah, we will cross-check the coordination," he said.

In fact, Listyo also instructed all his staff not to hesitate to ask the leadership in processing cases on behalf of Muhamamdiyah.

"If you are in doubt, you can ask colleagues at the Polda, you can go through Muhammadiyah at the provincial level to cross-check, go to the center or if you are in doubt you can ask your main officials at the Headquarters including me. So that it can be clear, "he insisted.

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