Robbery At Alfamart Tangerang 5 Perpetrators Carrying Firearms
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TANGERANG - The robbery at Alfamart in Sodong Village, Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency resulted in a loss of Rp. 40 million.

Ayu as keryawan Alfamart said the robbery occurred when the shop was about to close, Sunday, July 23, at night.

Starting from five perpetrators who came at the same time to Alfamart by car. Then, one of the perpetrators immediately approached the waiter while pointing a gun and threatening not to scream.

"The perpetrator was carrying a firearm. What I saw was five perpetrators. At that time there were only 3 people in the shop," said Ayu, Tuesday, July 25.

Tigaraksa Police Chief AKP Agus Ahmad said his party was currently investigating the case. In addition, his party has examined a number of witnesses, in order to uncover the case.

"What is clear is that we are conducting an investigation and pursuing the perpetrators," he said.

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