JAKARTA - Protection of children is an important issue in order to realize the vision and mission of the Indonesian golden generation. The Draft Law on Maternal and Child Welfare (KIA), which is the DPR Initiative Bill, is considered to be able to support child protection, especially regarding child growth and support in the role of mother.
"National Children's Day 2023 should be a golden momentum to realize the ideals towards the next generation of gold for the nation," said female and child observer Luky Sandra Amalia, Monday, July 24.
Amalia also highlighted the theme of National Children's Day (HAN) in 2023, namely 'Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia'. National Children's Day, which is celebrated every July 23, is said to be a reminder of the country's commitment to protecting children.
"State protection for the nation's children, one of which can be realized in the form of a legal umbrella that guarantees the welfare of mothers and children," he said.
Amalia said that talking about children cannot be separated from the mother. Because it was the mother who gave birth to the nation's next generation of gold. The KIA Bill is also considered to be a supporting factor in creating Advanced Indonesia through the welfare of its children and mothers.
"If the welfare of mothers and children is guaranteed, then the ideals of an advanced Indonesia are not impossible to realize," said Amalia.
The researcher at the Center for Political Research, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) emphasized the importance of providing support for the continuity of mothers and children, starting from children in the womb of the mother until the child is born. Therefore, Amalia appreciated the DPR for initiating the rules for support for child growth and development through the KIA Bill.
"The ratification of the Draft Law on Maternal and Child Welfare (RUU KIA) as the right of initiative of the DPR shows one step forward from the seriousness of the DPR to provide guarantees of welfare for mothers and children," he said.
The MCH Bill focuses on the golden age period of children's gold growth which is a crucial period of child growth and development which is often associated with the first 1,000 days of life (HPK) as determinants for the future of children. Therefore, this bill emphasizes the importance of implementing maternal and child welfare in a directional, integrated and sustainable manner.
"So that children are protected, good parenting is needed from parents. One of them is protection from stunting problems that occur because children are malnourished, especially in the first 1,000 days of life," said Amalia.
The MCH Bill also regulates the provision of additional leave for mothers who give birth. From the previous 3 months to 6 months if the company where the mother works can accommodate this.
"Additional bags for working mothers allow the provision of exclusive breast milk for children to fulfill their nutritional needs," said Amalia.
"To create a quality generation, the role of mothers does need to be improved. With the addition of leave for working mothers, this right will allow children to get good nutrition and parenting for their added development," he added.
To achieve the golden generation, Amalia added that concrete steps were needed in a regulation that prioritized the welfare of mothers and children. The KIA Bill was also encouraged to be ratified immediately.
"The presence of the KIA Law will be one way to guarantee that the State is seriously thinking about the future of this nation," said Amalia.
Amalia also encouraged the public to oversee the journey of the KIA Bill. Moreover, the MCH Bill also allows the provision of additional father leave for workers whose wives give birth. The role of father to children's growth and development is also regulated in the KIA Bill.
"Support from the DPR regarding the role of fathers in children's growth and development also needs to be appreciated. Because raising and raising children is not only the mother's job, but also the responsibility of the father," explained Amalia.
Amalia believes that the DPR RI under the leadership of Puan Maharani can present a regulation that accommodates the expectations of the community. Especially because Puan has a focus on the issue of women and children.
"Support of all Indonesian people is also needed to oversee the journey of this bill in Senayan. So it will benefit every family in Indonesia," he said.
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