Supporting Commercial Funeral Management Regency Government, Head Of BSKDN: End Of Time Developments There Are Business Currency
The situation of the Public Cemetery (TPU) in Rorotan, Cilincing, North Jakarta. (Between)

KARAWANG - Head of the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Yusharto Huntoyungo supports the Karawang Regency Government (Pemkab) in managing commercial burial sites in its area. According to Yusharto, the management of commercial burial sites can be part of efforts to increase the original revenue of the Karawang Regency area (PAD). "This cemetery was previously considered as a social activity or not a profitable or commercial activity, but because of the development of the times, finally there was a business niche there used by the parties. This can be seen as a regional potential," he said while chairing a Meeting on the Potential Discussion of the Karawang Regency PAD related to the 'Tudi of the Commercial Cemetery Case virtually from the BSKDN Jakarta video conference room, Friday, July 21, confiscated by Antara. Yusharto said that each region has potential that can be developed to improve PAD, including Karawang Regency which has commercial burials with large profits. Even so, Yusharto admitted that the existence of commercial burial sites still had difficulty impacting PAD's increase due to the absence of a legal umbrella specifically regulating this matter.

"As a result, commercial burial site managers still use several regulations that explicitly do not regulate commercial burial sites," he said. Thus, for now, related to the use of commercial burial sites to improve PAD, Yusharto encourages the Karawang Regency Government to develop policy programs and development strategies first to explore potential new levies objects.

He added that the Karawang Regency Government needs to conduct an comparative study to other regions in order to obtain information on other types of tax revenues and levies that allow it to be developed. "For that, we ask for the views of ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen and we will try to carry a forward agenda with the Karawang Regency Government who are willing to be the pilots. BSKDN is willing to support in terms of facility providers, whether spaces for meetings or other forms," he said.

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