JAKARTA - The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) received an official letter from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) this morning. The letter contains a request for data on election voters as a community database that will receive COVID-19 vaccinations.

Therefore, today the KPU is holding a coordination meeting with all members of the provincial and district / city KPUs to follow up on the request.

"Today the health ministry has officially written a letter to us asking for data in the context of the vaccination program," said Acting KPU chairman Ilham Saputra in a virtual meeting, Friday, January 29.

Ilham said, the use of Voter Data Information System (Sidalih) data for the purpose of implementing the General Election which will now be used in the vaccination program shows that there is confidence in the system they have created.

"Of course this is an acknowledgment of another institution to us as election administrators who have valid data," said Ilham.

To all KPU members in the regions, Ilham asked that all voter data in each district / city be consolidated again. In addition, Ilham also asked his staff to convey the obstacles faced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we must consolidate data in regencies / cities, to the provinces, and convey it to us at the national level. What are the obstacles and problems, we will discuss today," he said.

Previously, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said he would not use Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) data to provide COVID-19 vaccination to the public.

Budi Gunadi prefers to use data collected by the General Election Commission (KPU) for administering vaccines to the public. The reason is that the KPU data has just been updated.

"I have given up, I don't want to use the Ministry of Health's data anymore. I crossed it to the Dukcapil, I took the KPU data. We took the KPU manual because yesterday it was just yesterday's election in West Java, so I think it's the most current based for the above. 17 years, "said Budi, some time ago.

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