JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) emphasizes the public to use a legal currency as a means of payment, namely the rupiah. This statement was issued by the central bank following the viral information regarding the use of dirhams and dinars as means of payment and transactions at Muamalah Market in Depok, West Java.

Executive Director of the BI Communication Department Erwin Haryono stated that the objection given by the monetary authority was aimed at straightening out the information circulating in the public. According to him, this BI step is very important in order to avoid creating false public opinion regarding transaction tools in Indonesia.

"This is expected so that the discussion will not develop in an inappropriate direction," he said in a press release, Thursday, January 28.

On that occasion Erwin said that in accordance with Article 23 B of the 1945 Constitution jo. Article 1 number 1 and number 2, Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 21 paragraph (1) of the Currency Law, the Rupiah is the only legal means of payment in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and any transaction that has a payment purpose conducted in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must use Rupiah.

"BI reminds the public to avoid using payment instruments other than rupiah," he said.

Erwin continued, the use of the rupiah currency in every transaction is a real effort by citizens to protect the sovereignty of this payment instrument legally in their own country.

"BI is committed to continuing to encourage the movement to love and care for the rupiah together with relevant authorities and all components of society as a symbol of state sovereignty," he concluded.

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