JAKARTA - Head of the Surveillance and Immunization Section of the DKI Jakarta Health Service (Dinkes), Ngabila Salama said that there has been a potential increase in dengue fever (DHF) cases since early 2023 until now. At least, there have been 2,745 cases of dengue fever in Jakarta for the past 525 cases, February 434 cases, March 449 cases, April 499 cases, April 499 cases, May 480 cases, June 313 cases, and July still in the data collection stage. At least, there have been 2,745 cases of dengue fever in the capital city for the past half years. Recently, many cases have been found in areas adjacent to buffer areas such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. "We have seen the case in the last week many in the border area with Bodetabek," said Ngabila to reporters, Monday, July 17.Ngabila said, DHD is an endemic disease that continues to exist and persist in Jakarta. DBD has a similar pattern of cases every year. Where will start to increase every December and will experience peaks in April, it will then decline again. Ngabila also urges the public to continue to increase awareness in driving mosquito nest eradication (PSN) 3M plus." Do 3M plus at least once a week every Friday and always maintains the cleanliness and tidyness of the house. Don't there be clothes hanging mosquito nest sources and larvae," said Ngabila. "Alga, there are still areas in empty Jakarta or public facilities that need to be monitored as well as 3M. For example in parks, streets, and empty soil," he added. Prevention of dengue, continued Ngabila, it could also be by spraying houses in the morning and evening when aedes aergypti are active.
Then, to prevent the severity of the community, it is recommended to check with a complete blood examination / rapid examination of the NS1 DHF to diagnose dengue fever quickly. "With early detection and immediate treatment, patients will not become dehydrated and cause death," he added.
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