JAKARTA - A man about 30 years old was found dead at the bottom of the Basura Tower A apartment, North Cipinang Besar Village, Jatinegara District, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 17. According to witness testimony, the unidentified victim jumped from the 29th floor of tower A of the apartment.

"The victim who jumped is known to be a maintenance officer. We have dispatched a rescue team to evacuate victims who have died," said Head of North Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Monday, July 17.

Meanwhile, the Apartment Manager, Esther Rinelda Hutabarat, confirmed the incident. However, his party did not know about the suicide problem faced by the victim.

"I heard that it was not enough at 8 o'clock, there was a man sitting on the 29th floor parapet but there was no suicide. When we arrived at the office, he had jumped. Now in the search stage, who was his brother and others. Currently the case is under investigation by the manager and the Sector Police," he told reporters.

According to Esther, the identity of the victim has not been identified. And currently the relevant officers are still looking for the identity of the victim.

"It looks like (the victim) is not the unit owner. He has definite access and the unit key, he must live alone because of the jump. If there are relatives or friends who live together, (surely) go down or provide information. This is not there," he said.

The management is still tracing the series of crime scene units (TKP) where the victim jumped. The incident was previously recorded by the residents' amateur video. In the amateur video footage, the victim had walked back and forth on the parapet outside the balcony.

"We have submitted (the case) to the police," he said.

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