JAKARTA - Protests arose when Ganjar Pranowo's billboards in Muara Taweh, North Barito, Central Kalimantan, were removed and taken down by the TNI. Supporters of Ganjar Pranowo condemned this action, with Guntur Romli, General Chair of Ganjarian, stating that this indicated a violation of neutrality by the TNI.

Information states that the decline in Ganjar's billboards was carried out by Danramil Muara Taweh on orders from the North Barito Dandim. "I don't know the reason behind the removal. However, what is suspicious is why the TNI did this action? What does the TNI have to do with billboards?" asked Guntur Romli in a written statement received by VOI editors.

For Guntur, the removal of the presidential candidate billboard by the military can actually lead to a negative perception. As an institution that must maintain neutrality in accordance with regulations, the TNI should not be involved in this.

If it is necessary to control billboards, this task should be carried out by local government officials such as the Satpol PP, not by the military.

The removal of the billboards can be seen as an effort to hinder the socialization of Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in North Barito. Furthermore, this action can also be considered as an attempt to silence the political aspirations of the people of North Barito.

"The TNI group in North Barito should not act excessively and not exceed its authority. Do not let the reason for maintaining order, instead hinder the aspirations of the community," said Guntur.

There are concerns that this action does not stand alone, but there are other political interests that make Ganjar Pranowo a target. "Ganjar supporters strongly protest if military tools are used to suppress Ganjar Pranowo."

According to Guntur Romli, controlling billboards is not the task of the TNI, but is the authority of the Satpol PP. It is strange if the reduction in billboards is carried out by members of the TNI, especially if the billboards are established and legally installed.

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