JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) Surya Paloh reminded the organizers of the 2024 General Election to work professionally and uphold honesty.
"I would like to call from this place on the organizers and election supervisors to carry out their duties as professionally and morally mandated," said Surya Paloh in a speech at the Baliga Change Ceremony at the Gelora Bung Barno (GBK) Main Stadium, Jakarta, Sunday.
Surya Paloh emphasized that election organizers must be able to bring honesty and justice in the 2024 General Election. The reason is that the presidential election contestation is a momentum to present a leader who can afford and provide great benefits for the people.
"Despite all the interventions of interest and remain perpendicular to the values of honesty and justice, we need a leader like that," he ordered.
According to Paloh, elections must be held with a spirit of tolerance, not interpreted as an event for community hostility. Indonesian democracy must stand on unity and unity.
"There is no point in holding the election if the election results in the division of the nation's children," he asserted.
According to him, Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke is a brother throughout the country. Elections should not be used as an arena for hostility because actually the eternal enemy that must be faced is injustice that makes the Indonesian nation unable to become a developed country.
"Our common enemy is not an enemy between us, not an enemy based on religious differences, differences in political parties, but our enemy is ignorance and injustice. This is our common enemy in the life of the nation and state," he reminded.
The NasDem Party Change Alert Call was attended by hundreds of thousands of party cadres throughout Indonesia, both inside and outside the GBK.
Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh and future presidential candidate from the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP) Anies Baswedan also delivered a political oration at the event.
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