MANOKWARI - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the government is committed to advancing the economy of Fakfak Regency in West Papua, one of which is through the construction of Siboru Airport in Fakfak.
"The construction of the airport is almost complete, and God willing, it will be inaugurated by the President around August or September (2023)," said the Vice President on the sidelines of his working visit to Fakfak, West Papua, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 14.
The Vice President said that the government had also assigned state-owned enterprises (BUMN) PT Pupuk Kaltim to meet the fertilizer needs in Fakfak Regency, so that agriculture in the region could grow rapidly.
In addition, there will also be the construction of PT Freeport Indonesia's smelters in Fakfak to encourage economic growth in the district, which is known for its inter-religious tolerance.
Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia who accompanied the Vice President said that President Joko Widodo in the Cabinet Meeting had instructed to transfer the Pupuk Kaltim factory from Bintuni Bay to Fakfak. This was done as an effort to equalize economic growth.
During a working visit to Fakfak Regency, the Vice President also laid the first stone for the green open space park construction project.
This green open space, which is located on the seafront, will function as a public space for the people of Fakfak and as a green area for parks and recreation, facilities for sports facilities, educational centers, and community activity centers.
The local government also plans to make this green open space as a free day area that people can use to exercise comfortably.
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