JAKARTA - Transparency International Indonesia (TII) released data on Indonesia's corruption perception index (CPI) in 2020.

TII Research Department Manager Wawan Suyatmiko said the corruption perception index score in Indonesia had decreased by 3 points compared to 2019. If 2019, the corruption perception index was at number 40 with rank 85, now Indonesia is ranked 102 with the perception index number 37.

"Our CPI in 2020 is at a score of 37 with a ranking of 102. This score has dropped three points from 2019," said Wawan in his presentation posted on Transparency International Indonesia's Facebook account, Thursday, January 28.

The corruption perception index refers to 13 surveys and expert assessments to measure corruption in 180 countries and territories. The CPI assessment is based on a score of 0 for very corrupt and a score of 100 as very good.

Wawan then explained that there were a number of data sources that caused the decline in the corruption perception index number in Indonesia in 2020.

"First, there is an international country risk guide which we have dropped 8 points from 2019-2020 from 58 to 50," he said.

Then, the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook Indonesia also experienced a decrease of 5 points from 48 to 43. Furthermore, the Global Insight Country Risk Ratings fell from 47 to 35; Varieties of Democracy Projects decreased from 26 to 28; and the PERC Asia Risk Guide fell from 32 to 35.

There is also a stagnation in the World Economic Forum EOS which is at 46; Bartelsmann Foundation Transform Index at 37; and the Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings which is also at 37.

"Meanwhile, our World Justice Project has increased 2 points from 21 to 23," said Wawan.

He explained that Indonesia has the same perception index score as Gambia. Meanwhile, in the ranking list of the corruption perception index in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is in fifth place. Meanwhile, Singapore is in first place with a score of 85.

Furthermore, in second place there is Brunei Darussalam with a score of 60; Malaysia with a score of 51; Timor Leste 40.

Then in sixth place there is Vietnam with a perception index score of 36; Thailand with a score of 26; Philippines with a score of 34; Laos with a score of 29; Myanmar with a score of 28; and the most protruding is Cambodia with a score of 21.

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