JAKARTA - President Director of PT. Pertamina Nicke Widyawati said that her party has prepared three strategic steps to adapt to the development of new and renewable energy (EBT) issues.

"First, in the field of electrification, we will focus on geothermal utilization and the use of solar panels as an energy source," she said in a webinar Thursday, January 28.

Nicke added, especially geothermal, Pertamina plans to develop this environmentally friendly energy source with a target of 1.3 gigawatts.

"Then, secondly, we will optimize the use of existing energy in the transportation and mobility sector, such as optimizing the B30 biodiesel program and expanding energy charging stations for electric cars," she said.

Then the third, according to the Pertamina boss, is to increase the use of gas in various aspects of activities.

"The use of gas has an important position today because gas is a transitional energy source that becomes a bridge between conventional energy and renewable energy," she said.

To note, Pertamina has a strategic role in providing energy in Indonesia. As a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) whose ownership is 100% controlled by the government, this oil and gas company on June 12, 2020, officially formed five sub holdings under the company.

The five entities are Upstream Sub Holding, Gas Subholding, Refinery and Petrochemical Sub Holding, NRE Sub Holding, and Commercial and Trading Sub holding.

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