Former KSAD General Wismoyo Passed Away, Will Be Buried In Giribangun Solo
Illustration of condolences (Antara)

JAKARTA - Former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI (Purn) Wismoyo Arismunandar reportedly died of illness on Thursday, January 28.

Reported by Antara, the grief news was conveyed by the Head of the Information Services for the Indonesian Army (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Nefra Firdaus in his statement, in Jakarta, Thursday.

"Innalillahi Wa Innailaihi Raaji'uun. We convey the news of condolences. The death of General TNI (ret) Wismoyo Arismunandar at 04.29 at Pondok Indah Hospital due to illness," said Nefra.

It is planned that the body of the late General Wismoyo to be buried in Giribangun, Solo, Central Java. Before leaving for Solo, the deceased will be laid at the funeral home on Gempol 10 street, Bambu Apus, East Jakarta.

The Army Chief of Staff, General Andika Perkasa and the big family of the TNI AD are also sorry for the death of the late General Wismoyo at the age of 80.

"Hopefully the deeds of the deceased will be accepted by Allah SWT," said Nefra.

Andika is also planned to be the ceremony inspector at the funeral home.

General TNI (Ret.) Wismoyo Arismunandar is a retired high-ranking TNI-AD officer who served as the 17th Army Chief of Staff from 1993 to 1995 and the Commander of Army Strategic Command (Pangkostrad) from 1990 to 1992.

He also served as Vice Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (Wakasad) from 1992 to 1993. Before taking on the position of Pangkostrad, the deceased also served as Territorial Military Commander (Pangdam) XVII/Tkr in 1986 and Territorial Military Commander (Pangdam) IV/Dip in 1989.

From position to position he climbed in the ranks of the red beret corps up to the position of General Commander of Special Forces Command (Danjen Kopassus). The figure of Wismoyo, who is the brother-in-law of the Second President of the Republic of Indonesia Soeharto (married to Sri Hardjanti) is known to be close to his subordinates and firm in his discipline.

His name was sticking out as a candidate for ABRI Commander but Suharto preferred Feisal Tanjung and assigned Wismoyo as Chairman of the National Sport Comitee (KONI).

This 1963 graduate of the National Military Academy is the son of Sri Wurjan and Arismunandar.

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