JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil hopes that starting in 2021 the agricultural sector in all cities/regencies in West Java is no longer conventional but applies technology that can help agriculture continue to be productive and profitable.

"I want agriculture in 2021 not to be conventional, I want technology," said Ridwan Kamil during the inauguration of PT. Agro Jabar's "Smart Green House" in Cikole Village, Wanasari Village, Wanaraja District, Garut Regency, reported by Antara, Thursday, January 28.

The West Java Provincial Government has a digital village program that has currently been successfully developed in the fisheries and agricultural sectors.

Currently, to feed fish as well as water plants and provide fertilizer, a device in the form of a drone can be operated using a smart cell phone.

"Cleaning the water using a cellphone, pouring liquid fertilizer with a drone using a cellphone," he said.

Technology in agriculture has become a necessity to increase agricultural productivity in West Java.

Without the help of technology, often farmers can only cultivate crops for nine months, the remaining three months are constrained by weather.

"With 12 months of technology, we can grow crops, because the plants are not bathing but drinking, it can be done with technology," he said.

One way to implement an agricultural technology program is the establishment of a Smart Green House or an infusion farming system using technology at Wanaraja Gardens, Cikole Street, Wanasari Village, Wanaraja District.

"We formalize infusion farming using technology, where in the future agriculture will no longer be conventional, but uses technology that can save water, regulate water, so farmers can grow their products for up to 12 months," he said.

The agricultural technology program, starting in Garut Regency, will then be carried out in other areas in West Java and even Indonesia.

"Starting in Wanaraja, Garut, God willing, we will spread it throughout West Java and Indonesia," he said.

West Java Province continues to strive to increase agricultural productivity to meet the food needs of the community.

In any condition, including in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, food is definitely needed by the community.

"Food is a basic need that must be fulfilled, because stomach matters are not emergency, they cannot be compromised," he said.

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