JAKARTA Volunteers supporting presidential candidates Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subiaanto, and Anies Baswedan jointly called for the peaceful holding of the 2024 General Election.

Elections should foster joy. Everyone should be happy, they said on the National Talk Show with the theme 'Songsong Partai Demokrasi Dengan Riang Gembira' at the Press Council Hall, Central Jakarta, Sunday (9/7/2023).

The National Talk Show related to the 2024 presidential election was organized by Vox Point Indonesia in collaboration with the Community and Press of the Central PWI Election Monitoring (Mappilu).

The activity began with a speech from the Central PWI Mapilu Ethics Council, Mirza Zulhadi, who is also the Secretary General of the Central PWI.

On that occasion, Mirza Zulhadi accompanied by Central PWI Treasurer Dar Edy Yoga, Executive Director Wilson Lumi and Executive Wadir Tubagus Adhi, expressed their hope that journalists would not present news about identity politics, in order to maintain national unity and integrity.

"So we have one goal, hope that the election can indeed be a vehicle for joy, as well as a quality election," said Mirza Zulhadi.

Chairman of Vox Point Indonesia, Yohanes Handojo Budhisedjati invites all people to exercise their right to vote, so that the 2024 General Election will be cool and peaceful.

"We want to be together to voice Indonesia one, cool Indonesia. Very expensive if Indonesia becomes torn apart," he said.

Yohanes continued, as a nationally-minded Catholic mass organization, Vox Point Indonesia is here to develop national values, in realizing a just, peaceful and prosperous society. This effort was made through the struggle to uphold the values of equality in all aspects of life of the nation and state.

"Hopefully what we present today can be a portrait of the development of Indonesian democracy which is proud and appreciated by the citizens of the world," added Yohanes Handojo accompanied by Secretary General of Vox Point Indonesia, Judi Dharmawan.

Three volunteers for the presidential candidate who attended the event were the General Chair of Mitra Ganjar, Goris Lewoleba; General Chairperson of Laskar Prabowo 08, Haposan P Batubara; and Anies Baswedan volunteers, General Chairperson of Laskar Aman, Ervan Tou.

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