JAKARTA - Members of Commission III of the House of Representative (DPR) from the Gerindra faction, Habiburokhman, suggested that the case involving Rizieq Shihab be resolved using a restorative justice system.

He conveyed this to Attorney General S.T. Burhanuddin during a Working Meeting between Commission III of the DPR and the Attorney General's Office. Restorative Justice is the most appropriate and wise legal process to handle Rizieq's case.

"So, I think by not intervening in the legal process and by respecting the law enforcers who do this, this process can be done by means of a restorative justice process," said Habiburokhman.

So what cases can be resolved by restorative justice?

Restorative justice is an approach that aims to build a criminal justice system that is sensitive to the problems of victims as reported by the Women's Journal.

Police Researcher from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto revealed that the legal concept of restorative justice is a legal system to deal with violations and crimes in lower-level law.

In the Black's Law Dictionary it is explained that restorative justice is an alternative method of crime that focuses on correcting harmful acts, meeting the needs of victims, and holding the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

In restorative justice, the nature of law also goes from formal to non-formal. The restorative justice system is generally very considerate and involves community norms in the areas where cases are found.

The restorative justice system is usually used to resolve cases that occur in villages and cases involving minors.

Cases that are usually resolved using this approach include accidents, bullying or bullying of children, brawls between residents, theft, slander or fraud, and inheritance dispute.

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