YOGYAKARTA President Joko Widodo paid a working visit to Papua on Wednesday, July 5. As is known, before leaving for Papua, the President also made state visits in two countries, namely Australia and Papua New Guinea. Then, what is Jokowi's agenda in Papua?

Reporting from the Press, Media and Information Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, July 6, the President's working visit to Papua used the ATR 72-600 aircraft, departing from Sentani International Airport, Jayapura Regency and then heading to Asmat Regency, South Papua.

The President and his entourage landed at Ewer Airport. The President will inaugurate the airport.

It is known that Ewer Airport was first built by the Asmat Regency Government. However, the development of the airport itself was carried out by the central government. This airport runway is 1,650 meters x 30 meters long so that it can be passed by the ATR 72-600 aircraft as the President and his entourage this time. In addition, this airport can also be used for landing sites for other aircraft, both cargo and passenger purposes.

The airports that are still relatively new currently serve three flight routes, both round-trip (PP) routes, namely Kamar-Ewer, Timika-Ewer, and Merauke-Ewer. The three routes are served by three airlines, namely Wings Air, Trigana Air, and Smart Aviation.

Quoted from Antara, people who take advantage of Ewer Airport are said to have experienced a continuous increase. In 2020, 12,185 passengers were recorded, then in 2021 the number of passengers who rose from the airport was 21,603. This figure is increasing in 2022, which is 27,772 passengers.

After the inauguration ceremony was complete, the President was scheduled to return to Jayapura Regency and then to Keroom Regency. In the district, it will be scheduled to review corn fields in the food estate area, Wambes, Mannem.

During the visit, a number of officials accompanying the President were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, and TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono.

Tak hanya itu turut mendamping pula Deputi Bidang Protocol, Pers, dan Media Bey Machmudin, Pangkogabwilhan III Letjen TNI Agus Suhardi, Sekretaris Militer Presiden Laksda TNI Hersan, dan Komandan Paspampres Mayjen TNI Rafael Granada Baay.

That's information related to Jokowi's agenda in Papua. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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