JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono emphasized that the export of shrimp fries or lobster seeds is still being stopped until now. Because, currently the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is still conducting studies and hearing input from many parties regarding this export policy.

"For the time being it was stopped first until then I got the best solution to discuss with Commission IV. It was temporarily stopped," Trenggono said during a working meeting at the House of Representative (DPR) building, as quoted in his written statement, Wednesday, January 27.

Trenggono said the KKP is now encouraging the development of domestic lobster cultivation. Moreover, many people make a living from fishing for shrimp fry.

"I am formulating with the team at the KKP what modeling it will look like. Is each cultivator required to have assisted fishermen or what. This is all we are studying," he explained.

Apart from the fry problem, the former Deputy Minister of Defense also explained about the use of cantrang. According to him, the use of fishing gear, which was banned during Susi Pudjiastuti's leadership, is still in the process of being reviewed to hear from parties who better understand this issue.

It's just that, based on the reports he received from The Director General of Capture Fisheries spokesman, cantrang still cannot be used. "The Director General said that the KKP has never allowed cantrang. For this reason, to this day, we are still postponing Ministerial Regulation (Permen) 59," he said.

Trenggono said that he would regularly consult with Commission IV before issuing a policy at his ministry. This was done because he felt that input from many parties was important so that the decisions made could be beneficial for the community and environmental sustainability.

"Later we will always consult, I promise, but what is certain is that we hold onto Ministerial Regulation (Permen) 58 and 59," he concluded.

Previously reported, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) decided to temporarily suspend the issuance of a Letter of Determination of the Release Time (SPWP) for the export of lobster clear seeds (BBL). This was in line with the arrest of KKP Minister Edhy Prabowo.

The decision to temporarily suspend the issuance of SPWP is based on Circular Letter Number B.22891/DJPT/PI.130/XI/2020 signed by the Caretaker of Director General of Capture Fisheries of KKP Muhammad Zaini Thursday, November 26.

In the Circular Letter (SE) of KKP, it explains the reasons for termination in order to improve the management of clear lobster seeds as regulated in the Regulation of the Maritime and Fisheries Number 12 of 2020 concerning the Management of Lobster (Panulirus spp.), Crab (Scylla spp.), And Crab (Portunus spp.) In the Management Area State Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia.

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